#14 Using AI Image Generators for EFL & ELA Activities for Young Learners
Nowadays AI can generate some quite amazing pictures from any text inputted. Recently, using the YouImagine AI image generator at you.com I realized it is a tool that, through image generation, can generate an almost endless stream of EFL speaking and writing activities for my young learners. If the previous sentence sounds complicated, or if you think that, as an educator, using AI image generation may be daunting, it's not. In fact, it seems to be a tool any educator can use to quickly create super-fun lesson activities for any kind of students. In the slide deck demonstration here I run through 5 example speaking and writing activities, from mini warmers and coolers to full on lessons. In the slide deck I was specifically thinking about my own EFL lesson activities which I would create and use for myself. However, it seems clear that image generation activities could easily be applied to ELA more generally, writing activities in particular. So... _______________...