#15 The Importance of Showing Real Learning Achievement in Ed-Tech Project-Based Learning

This blogpost may be of interest to any educators who are considering how to set up effective and measurable project-based learning activities using ed-tech tools, platforms and apps. I recently completed my Masters thesis project in Educational Technology & Instructional Design. The aim of the project was to a) describe a case study project for EFL elementary school-aged learners based on an ed-tech affinity group which utilized Google Workspace apps including Classroom, Forms and YouTube. b) show how such ed-tech projects, which lack formal and traditional methods of evaluation such as exams or coursework, can be evaluated to assess the real learning achievements of participating students. The full thesis can be found here. Here follows a very brief summary of the project, the techniques used to assess learning, and why it’s important to have such assessment. _______________________ In this blogpost from last year there is a full description of the the ed-...