
Showing posts from September, 2021

#5 Top iPad Apps for EFL Elementary Teachers and Students

 Over the last 5 years I have been collecting and collating information about the apps we use on our iPads at school. Over time some apps stop working or fall out of favour, while new ones emerge.  So, as it's the start of a new year, and we are back at school AND in the classroom AND using the school iPads, after a long 'students can touch-nothing, especially iPads' Covid-related absence, I thought it was good time to review and update and streamline my list. One for our teachers, one for our students. They may be useful to other EFL/ESL teachers. Criteria for teachers' apps: Easy to use, free and useful! Criteria for students' apps: Easy to use, free or inexpensive, useful, engaging and fun!  iOS v. Android NOTE: All the apps mentioned in the student app list can also be found on Google Play, so if students have android tablets or phones at home and want to practice on the apps outside the classroom, no problem. Teachers' list         ...

#4 Make a student podcast using Anchor and share in Google Classroom

 * Update September 2023: This blogpost is 2 years old and there has been one big change to the Anchor podcast. The name has changed to Spotify for Podcasters . So if you want to download the app, look for Spotify for Podcasters , not Anchor. Nothing else has changed. ________________________ It's September 2021, back to school. But school is not quite back to normal here in Hong Kong. Masks are mandatory, no group or pair work is possible for students, with transparent plastic space bubbles around each desk isolating every student from their peers. As we enter into a new school year at least schools are open and students are attending. However, primary schools are only open on a half-day schedule and everyone is working to a very tight timetable. This means putting on extra-curricular activities for students either after school or during recess and lunch times is extremely difficult or just impossible.  This has left me with a challenge at the start of this school year: How c...