#6 Google Jamboard, Top 5 Uses


When I first came across Jamboard, I didn't think I would get much use out of it in my lessons. I did try to get some of my students to use it during a COVID Zoom lesson, but I hadn't really thought through the technicalities of using it with my students virtually. I can safely say it was a mess...both the lesson and the Jamboard. 

However, I have been getting into Jamboard more and more over the last year or so. The reason? Well, quite often with new technology apps or platforms, it's normal to have a few early disasters, so it's always good to have another look before you write something off as 'not for me, thanks'. I did that and realized Jamboard actually has a lot to offer!

Once I had some time to think about what I was doing in my lessons, and how I could apply Jamboard  tools to help me, I realized that there were many things I could do. To help me think about this more clearly I used the SAMR concept for using technology, which basically sets out 4 different levels of how you can incorporate technology into your lessons: Substitution, Augmentation, Modification, Redefinition. Some Jamboard activity ideas I came up with were simply substitutions, some augmented previous activities, and some saw clear modification and redefinition. 

So, here's my Top 5 Activity Jamboards, which can be copied and made editable.

1. Winners Chart  

Substitution of using a chalkboard or writing scores down on a piece of paper)

2. Brainstorming with Sticky Notes (pumpkin grower e.g.)

Augmentation of brainstorming using pen and paper. I could send a Jamboard for all students to colloborate with their brainstorming ideas all in one place. Students could easily see other students' ideas and they could all be saved for future reference. Also, this activity could now be done outside the classroom by sending students the Jamboard into their Google Classroom as a homework extension to brainstorming done in the face-to-face lesson.

3. Black & Whiteout Jamboard Activities

Augmentation and modification of gap fill and any descriptive writing tasks. Also augmentation of simple flashcard vocabulary games.

4. Assistive Drawing Tools Vocab Interactive Activities

Substitution, Augmentation and  Modification making worksheets and other traditional activities digital and more interactive.

5. Phonics and Sentence Builder   Interactive Jamboards

 Redefining T-SS phonics activities using interactive phonics and sentence builder Jamboards to encourage a multitude of individual, pair and group work activities.

In the end, I though Jamboard was so good, I decided to set up some training sessions for my colleagues😄 

Jamboard One Stop Training

So, yes, Jamboard.


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