#7 YES/NO Paper Flashcard Prompts for Online Lessons

Here in Hong Kong the online learning for school students continued, on and off, from February 2020 to April 2022. A very long time. What was the most challenging aspect of teaching online? For me, probably the classroom management and keeping students focused. 

Working with Jonathan Lee at the HK Education Bureau, we decided to test out some 'old-school' techniques with the students at my school as we taught them online: Specifically thinking about how to make sure students on Zoom could feel included throughout the lessons. We experimented with using YES/NO paper-based flashcards with the students. It proved to be a great way to focus the whole class. They were very easy to use in conjunction with simple match up games using Google Slide flashcards.

Want to know more about it? 
For a full summary, check out
 this Doc here .


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