#17 Google Workspace Marketplace: An interesting and useful place to visit during downtimes

It's June. The summer holidays are almost upon us. As educators, the summer months can be both exciting and daunting. With the end of school year activities behind us, it's time to think about how we'll spend our summer holidays. Of course, we will be on the beach. However, if you really do want to keep one eye on work, one way to make sure your break is potentially productive and interesting is by taking a look at Google Workspace Marketplace. The summer holidays is a great time to casually browse a platform like this as you may randomly find some useful tools which you will incorporate into the next academic year. So, if you are using Google Workspace products such as Slides, Docs, Gmail and all the rest, and you aren't familiar with Google Workspace Marketplace, what is it?

Google Workspace Marketplace provides an extensive list of educational apps, add-ons and extensions that are designed for teachers, trainers or any other type of educator looking for new ways to engage their students or colleagues with technology tools in their classroom environment. It’s easy to search. For example, through the popular chart list you can filter results based on Google product and price (if not free), so you can find what best suits your needs quickly and easily without having to scroll through hundreds of listings. Plus there are plenty of reviews from users who have already tried out these products, which gives added assurance that they will work well in your particular classroom setting if required too! 

You may be thinking This sounds a bit like the Chrome Web Store. What's the difference?

The short answer is this: In comparison with Chrome Web Store (CWS), Google Workspace Marketplace offers more comprehensive solutions tailored specifically towards education professionals such as schools administrators looking for specific features like single sign-on authentication support when deploying applications across multiple classrooms/school districts etc. CWS focuses more broadly on general consumer applications & services available online today – including games & entertainment content etc. 

 So, if you haven't had a little browse, why not take some time during this summer holiday season to explore what amazing EdTech tools await discovery within Google Workspace Marketplace? Who knows - perhaps one small tweak here could lead into something big down road…

Here in the video below is an example of finding something very useful - Magic Slides App - GPT for Slides - whilst I was casually browsing on GWM👇


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