#23. New to interacting with ChatGPT? Need prompting?

 Using ChatGPT can drastically cut down on the amount of time an educator needs to spend when creating new lesson plans. Particularly useful when embarking on creating lesson materials for subjects or topics you are new to teaching. OpenAI has a page with a few useful detailed prompts for teachers covering these topics:

A. Come up with lesson plans

B. Create effective explanations, examples, analogies

C. Help students learn by teaching

D. Create an AI tutor

You can find all the prompts on this page HERE

In the video below we take the first prompt 'Come up with lesson plans' and interact with it to create a number of lesson plans which can serve as a starting point for thinking about how to go about teaching new or unfamiliar content, topics or themes. The idea is not to take the lesson plans ChatGPT spits out and unthinkingly follow them. But they can, most definitely, be used as useful guides.

3 key points to remember when interacting with ChatGPT:

1. Stop it and explain when it is doing something you don't want. 
2. Give clear, simple instructions.
3. Remember that it remembers. Once you have interacted to create a suitable lesson plan, just ask ChatGPT to repeat the process with as many lessons and with as many topics as you need. This is where the real time saving can come it.

*Note: If you are unable to access OpenAI ChatGPT, there are other alternatives, such as you.com.


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